Our mission is to provide the best childcare services in a safe environment. In addition our goal is to help children develop social, emotional, cognitive and language skills, while promoting health and nurture.
We believe it is important to stay active with many indoor and outdoor activities. Our activities allow new and different opportunities for children to learn and explore new experiences. Through these experiences with our highly-experienced teachers, they develop independence and self-discipline. We also express the importance of group activities and active participation in order to help develop their interpersonal skills. In addition, children will learn the importance of respecting and sympathizing with their classmates, and fundamental skills such as sharing and playing nicely with their classmates.
Happy Angels Preschool and Daycare focuses on the needs of young children. We understand and respect individual differences to provide children a healthy, friendly, and clean environment in which the children are free to explore and learn. By taking part in indoor and outdoor activities, children build hand-eye coordination skills, large and small muscle development, and social skills.
Child-centered, from everyday life, so that children experience spontaneous active learning.
Develop a keen sense in the young children developing observation and comparison to develop good habits and abilities.
The provision of adequate and current teaching materials.
Having children experience Chinese and Western cultural differences, understand simple Chinese and English, as language development will lay a solid foundation for future schooling.
Having children experience life to learn how to respect adults and other children, share, be compassionate, and develop good qualities.
Teaching Chinese and Western culture while understanding basic Chinese and English language development to lay a solid foundation for future schooling.